
Mejoras Ability Enhacement Core (S19 EP2-1)


Escrito por RobertMS   
Viernes, 20 de Septiembre de 2024 16:42

1. Mejoras en la inferface de usuario del Ability Enhacement Core y el Ability Card Book

1) Mejora en la interface de usuario del Ability Enhacement Core

(1) Se agrega la funcion de click sobre la ranura vacia

Se mostrara Card's que se pueden equipar al hacer click sobre la ranura vacia

- Cuando haces click en una ranura vacia en el Ability Enhacement Core, se muestran las tarjetas que puedes instalar entre las Ability Card que tienes.

- Cuando pasas el mouse sobre una Ability Card mostrada, se mostrara informacion sobre la Ability Card y cuando haces click en ella, se instala en la ranura seleccionada.

(2) Complementacion de presentacion del arbol de montaje

- Se ha mejorado la linea de conexion de acuerdo a opcion de Card instalada.

- La apariencia de lineas conectadas se refuerza segun la cantidad de Card instaladas.

2. Mejoras en la interface de usuario del Ability Card Book

1) Se adiciona la funcion "Ver Lista"

(1) Boton "Ver Lista"

- El Boton "Ver Lista" se ha agregado al Ability Card Book.

- Cuando haces click en el boton "Ver Lista", cambia en formato de lista.

(2) Cambio de diseño del boton de filtro

- Se ha cambiado el diseño del boton de filtro

3. Se agrega la combinacion de conversion de Skill Card

1) Combinacion de conversion de Skill Card

(1) objetivo de la combinacion de conversion de Skill Card

- Se ha agregado la funcion de combinacion de conversion para que las Skill Card se puedan cambiara para clases con diferente direccion de desarrollo del personaje.

2) Configuracion de conversion de Skill Card

(1) Interface de usuario de conversion de Skill Card

- Puede convertir y combinar a traves de la interface de usuario que se muestra al hacer click derecho en la Skill Card que desea convertir en el Skill Card Book

Interface de usuario combinacion de conversion de Skill Card

(2) Configuracion de conversion de Skill Card

- Al convertir una Skill Card, las opciones de recursos divididas en 3 tipos (HP, MP, AG) no cambian.

- Las opciones de Skill Attack power y los efectos del Skill se aplican como opciones en la Skill Card convertida.

(3) Resultados de la conversion de Skill Card

- La cantidad de Skill Card utilizadas para subir el nivel mejorar el SkillCard se convierten en pilas de Skill Card como resultado de la conversion

(4) Si no tienes una Skill Card

- Una Skill Card de nivel 0 se genera como resultado de la conversion basado en el numero de Skill Card para ser convertidas y las Skill Card restantes apilan en el skill convertido.

(5) Si ya tienes una Skill Card

- El numero total de Skill Card a convertir se convierten y apilan en el Skill Card convertido

- Materiales necesarios para conversion Skill Card

Materiales necesarios para conversion Skill Card
por 1 Skill Card convertida
1 Ability Crytal
1.000.000 Zen

Los Items Crytal utilizados como material para la combinacion de conversion de Skill Card, se prioriza el uso primero del (Bound) Ability Crystal y en medida en que es insuficiente, Ability Crytal se utiliza como material de combinacion

4. Skill Card elegibles para conversion por clase

(1) Dark Knight

Sword Blow Saturation
Sword Blow Saturation
Sword Blow Saturation
Skill Attack Power Increased
Skill Attack Power Increased
Skill Attack Power Increased
Attack Range Increase
Attack Range Increase
Attack Range Increase
HP Increase
MP Increase
AG Increase
Destruction Gale
Destruction Gale
Destruction Gale
Skill Attack Power Increased
Skill Attack Power Increased
Skill Attack Power Increased
Attack Speed Increased
Attack Speed Increased
Attack Speed Increased
HP Increase
MP Increase
AG Increase

(2) Elf

Raining Arrow Saturation
Raining Arrow Saturation
Raining Arrow Saturation
Skill Attack Power Increased
Skill Attack Power Increased
Skill Attack Power Increased
Attack Range Increase
Attack Range Increase
Attack Range Increase
HP Increase
MP Increase
AG Increase
Holy Bolt Gale
Holy Bolt Gale
Holy Bolt Gale
Skill Attack Power Increased
Skill Attack Power Increased
Skill Attack Power Increased
Attack Speed Increased
Attack Speed Increased
Attack Speed Increased
HP Increase
MP Increase
AG Increase

(3) Magic Gladiator

Chaos Blade Saturation
Chaos Blade Saturation
Chaos Blade Saturation
Skill Attack Power Increased
Skill Attack Power Increased
Skill Attack Power Increased
Attack Range Increase
Attack Range Increase
Attack Range Increase
HP Increase
MP Increase
AG Increase
Havok Spear of Anger
Havok Spear of Anger
Havok Spear of Anger
Skill Attack Power Increased
Skill Attack Power Increased
Skill Attack Power Increased
Add Splash Damage
Add Splash Damage
Add Splash Damage
HP Increase
MP Increase
AG Increase

(4) Dark Lord

Wind Soul Saturation
Wind Soul Saturation
Wind Soul Saturation
Skill Attack Power Increased
Skill Attack Power Increased
Skill Attack Power Increased
Attack Range Increase
Attack Range Increase
Attack Range Increase
HP Increase
MP Increase
AG Increase
Spirit Blast of Anger
Spirit Blast of Anger
Spirit Blast of Anger
Skill Attack Power Increased
Skill Attack Power Increased
Skill Attack Power Increased
Add Splash Damage
Add Splash Damage
Add Splash Damage
HP Increase
MP Increase
AG Increase

(5) Summoner

Fire Beast Saturation
Fire Beast Saturation
Fire Beast Saturation
Skill Attack Power Increased
Skill Attack Power Increased
Skill Attack Power Increased
Attack Range Increase
Attack Range Increase
Attack Range Increase
HP Increase
MP Increase
AG Increase
Death Scythe of Anger
Death Scythe of Anger
Death Scythe of Anger
Skill Attack Power Increased
Skill Attack Power Increased
Skill Attack Power Increased
Add Splash Damage
Add Splash Damage
Add Splash Damage
HP Increase
MP Increase
AG Increase

(6) Rage Fighter

Dark Side Saturation
Dark Side Saturation
Dark Side Saturation
Skill Attack Power Increased
Skill Attack Power Increased
Skill Attack Power Increased
Attack Range Increase
Attack Range Increase
Attack Range Increase
HP Increase
MP Increase
AG Increase
Spirit Hook Saturation
Spirit Hook Saturation
Spirit Hook Saturation
Skill Attack Power Increased
Skill Attack Power Increased
Skill Attack Power Increased
Attack Range Increase
Attack Range Increase
Attack Range Increase
HP Increase
MP Increase
AG Increase

(7) Grow Lancer

Oversting Saturation
Oversting Saturation
Oversting Saturation
Skill Attack Power Increased
Skill Attack Power Increased
Skill Attack Power Increased
Attack Range Increase
Attack Range Increase
Attack Range Increase
HP Increase
MP Increase
AG Increase
Wild Breath Gale
Wild Breath Gale
Wild Breath Gale
Skill Attack Power Increased
Skill Attack Power Increased
Skill Attack Power Increased
Attack Speed Increased
Attack Speed Increased
Attack Speed Increased
HP Increase
MP Increase
AG Increase


